Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
2023-3 As part of our focus on water quality, IHWD will follow all prescribed testing and is researching and will install treatment systems to remove PFAS from our water within specified time limits. Please watch for information and regular updates to be posted in this section of our website.
PFAS was tested again in February 2023 and results are included with the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) for 2022 below in Water Quality.
The District has been proactive on the PFAS issue, including its recent participation in the CDPHE’s voluntary PFAS testing program. The good news is the District’s water tested far below any of the current PFAS health advisory limits. Currently, the District is not required to test for PFAS chemicals in the water delivered by the District. We will continue to monitor the evolving science and legal requirements concerning PFAS chemicals, and test the water as necessary to comply with new laws and protect the health and safety of our customers.
Smart Water Magazine article:
Indian Hills Water District follows all State of Colorado Regulations to ensure clean, safe drinking water for our community.
On an annual basis, IHWD is required to report to our community a summary of our water testing and inspection results.
These Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs) are delivered to each customer with a link provided by email before the end of June reporting results for the previous year.
A Sanitary Survey is an on-site review of a public water system by the health department for the purpose of evaluating the adequacy of the facilities to produce and distribute safe drinking water. Sanitary surveys are required by Article 11 of the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations (CPDWRs).
A Sanitary Survey was completed in July 2018 and all identified deficiencies have since been remedied.
IHWD - CO0130065 - 2024 CCR for 2023 (pdf)
DownloadApril 2024 Update: We are currently testing a nitrate removal system. Our goal is to replace the current system in 2024.
The District's upper wells have higher raw water nitrate levels. Our goal is to produce water with the lowest possible nitrate levels and we comply with all testing requirements. Nitrate levels in our finished water from the Upper Treatment Plant are normally in the 8.0 - 9.0 range.
IHWD has two ways to mitigate the higher levels:
1. Blend low nitrate water from the lower wells.
2. Process the water through the ion exchange nitrate removal treatment system. This current treatment process is costly and requires continuous in person monitoring.
A Board/Community task force researched new nitrate removal technologies for our District in 2018 so that we can upgrade our treatment processes in the future and continue producing clean safe drinking water for our community. Our 2019 updated Master Plan has made recommendations for new treatment technologies that will benefit the District.
See the section below for more information from the EPA on safe drinking water standards.
IHWD is a Community Water System.
The MCLG for nitrate is 10 mg/L or 10 ppm. EPA has set this level of protection based on the best available science to prevent potential health problems. EPA has set an enforceable regulation for nitrate, called a maximum contaminant level ( MCL ), at 10 mg/L or 10 ppm.
An article by USGS:
IHWD has wells located in different water source areas. The hardness of the water in our upper well field is higher, effecting customers
primarily in Zone 3.
EPA information -