Learn how to reduce your water bill with Resource Central’s innovative water conservation programs. Get discounts on products and services through their partnership with Jefferson County. Learn more at resourcecentral.org/water
To redeem the $25 discount, click "Enter Code" in Step 1 of the checkout process and enter jeffco25off before selecting your water provider/municipality.
Each household can have up to two rain barrels = 110 total gallons of storage capacity. This is enough to help water your vegetable garden or outdoor plants.
... determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location. https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/#
Left uncontrolled, noxious weeds will form dense mono-cultures and displace native and desirable plants. Native plant loss affects wildlife that depends on the native vegetation for survival.
A beautiful, water-saving approach to landscaping in our challenging climate .