1/14/2025- Protect Your Water Lines from Freezing Temperatures
With freezing temperatures expected in the coming days, we wanted to remind you of the importance of protecting your water lines to prevent potential damage. When temperatures drop below freezing, exposed pipes, particularly those in uninsulated areas, are at risk of freezing and bursting, which can lead to costly repairs and water damage.
Here are a few tips to help protect your water lines during colder weather:
Taking these precautions now can help ensure your plumbing stays safe throughout the winter season. If you have any concerns or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out.
Stay warm and safe!
11/22/2024 - The Utility Billing customer payment portal is now available at
When you click on the link you will then click on SIGN UP. On the next screen enter your email address, create and confirm a password, and enter your contact information. The portal will send a verification that you need to confirm. Portal access will include choosing INDIAN HILLS WATER DISTRICT from the list. You will also need to enter your account number. Please use your old account number removing the 0 at the beginning and adding 01 at the end. For example:
Old account #010555 New Account #1055501
Once you access your account, you can set up a one-time or auto payment from a checking account or a credit or debit card. The convenience fee for card payments is 3.0%. There is an option to select paperless billing to receive email statements.
During this transition to the new utility billing system, there will be a grace period for delayed payments.
If you have any questions, please call 303-987-0835 x 205 during business hours.
11/5/2024 - The October billing is complete and new software will be online for the November billing. Online payments will not be available for a brief time during the transition to the new system.
Please mail payments to:
141 Union Boulevard, Suite 150
Lakewood, CO 80228-1898
The office drop box is no longer available for payment drop off.
11/1/2024 - The District is no longer having water delivered and is going back to Phase II Conservation. We welcome the precipitation this coming week! We are anticipating the new nitrate removal system will be delivered in 5-6 weeks and it should be online in January. This will be a great improvement for our system.
10/1/2024 - IHWD has contracted with SDMSI for Administrative Management. SDMSI has a great group of people who will work with the Board, Operations, and customers. We look forward to working with them!
Phase III Conservation will go into effect 9/1/2024
Please follow these guidelines:
▪No outside use - Rain barrel water use (110 gal limit) is allowed. Water for all outside use, including livestock and large outdoor domesticated animals, should be purchased from outside the district
▪Limit Inside Use - Recommended usage of 35 gallons per person per day
Phase III Conservation Rates:
Base Rate: $ 50.00
Tiered Rate Structure for water usage (pro-rated):
0 - 2,500 gal $16.00/1000 gal
2,501-6,000 gal $80.00/1000 gal
6,001 and above $150.00/1000 gal
10,000 and above $400.00/1000 gal
IHWD continues to evaluate the dry conditions and monitor well production. A conversation with our area water commissioner confirmed that Turkey Creek has not been flowing normally this summer. Water is being hauled in to maintain minimal tank levels, but this is an expensive, short-term solution.
Due to these conditions, we anticipate Phase III will go into effect on the first of September.
2024-8-20 The Turkey Creek wellfield is still struggling to produce - we are seeing less than half of the normal production. Water is being hauled in to try to get the storage tanks at a better level. Please continue to conserve water as much as possible.
We all have our fingers crossed that the Quarry Fire is contained and put out quickly. We do not know if or how the fire or firefighting could effect our water system. A good portion of our water production comes from Turkey Creek and that source comes from the Conifer area. The Turkey Creek treatment plant is near the pre-evacuation area. We will keep you posted on any information that effects our system and our customers.
During this very hot and dry weather, we need everyone to use water as conservatively as possible.
Due to low well production, effective 8/1/2024, IHWD will be in Phase II Conservation. Please follow these guidelines:
Phase II
-Outside use limited to hand watering only (no sprinklers, no watering of lawns, no irrigation systems) and should be performed between 6:00 PM and 10:00 AM
-No filling of pools and/or hot tubs
-Phase II Drought Surcharge Rates in effect
Full Time Monthly User Phase II Conservation Rates:
Base Rate: $ 50.00
Tiered Rate Structure for water usage (pro-rated):
0 - 2,500 gal $ 16.00/1000 gal
2,501 - 5,999 gal $50.00/1000 gal
6,001 - 9,999 gal $80.00/1000 gal
10,000 gal and above $100.00/1000 gal
The mountain area is experiencing very dry conditions. Please use water conservatively until further notice.
2022-10-28 From Colorado Water Loss Initiative
7 Colorado WATER FACTS:
The Call Before You Dig law requires that you call 811 or go online to colorado811.org to request utility locates before starting any project that includes digging. The utility companies, including IHWD, will mark buried utility lines within a couple of days.
8/9/2021 Please sign up for Operations Status, Notification, and Information Blog:
4/28/2021 80454 Garden and Planting Information on the Customer tab. Learn about native plants, xeriscape, and rain barrel use for our planting zone.